The Art of Messaging


In an increasingly noisy world, it’s getting harder to stand out in the marketplace.

Every tactic you’ve known as a marketer is changing. Social media is noisier and more competitive today. SEO is harder and more complex than before. And generative AI platforms like ChatGPT are gobbling up content creation like Pac-Man at a dot buffet.

Yet, amidst the sea of change, there is one powerful tool that is still available to marketers.

This tool can change the course of nations, shift consumer behavior, and turn strangers into friends.

What tool do I speak of?

Messaging. Specifically, remarkable messaging.

I wrote The Art of Messaging to empower you with the critical tools you need to create remarkable messaging that your audience will remember.

By being remarkable, you increase your chances of earning attention, making a meaningful impact, and boosting your brand awareness.

You gain the trust and permission to make a difference in your life and in the lives of your audience.

The book is out March 31.

You can read the first chapter for free now.