Did ChatGPT Write The Art of Messaging?


Did ChatGPT help write my latest book, The Art of Messaging?

Read all the way to the end for the answer.

First, I'd like to show you the results of a recent experiment I conducted using the generative AI interface, ChatGPT.

I asked ChatGPT to take a shot at writing parts of my latest book The Art of Messaging. What follows are my prompts, ChatGPT's unedited responses, and actual excerpts from the book. 

Take a look.

Prompt: What are the four attributes of remarkable messaging?


  1. Relevance: Remarkable messaging must be relevant to the audience it's intended for. It should speak directly to their needs, interests, and pain points, and offer a solution that they can relate to.

  2. Resonance: Messaging that resonates with the audience is memorable and emotionally engaging. It creates a connection with the reader or listener and inspires them to take action.

  3. Differentiation: Remarkable messaging sets itself apart from the competition by offering a unique value proposition that stands out in the marketplace. It communicates what makes the product or service different and better than what's already available.

  4. Credibility: Messaging that is credible builds trust and confidence in the product or service being offered. It provides evidence and social proof that the solution being offered is reliable and effective.

Henry Adaso: There are four attributes of remarkable messaging and they spell out the word BEST:

  1. Boldness: Boldness interrupts boredom. The marketer employs boldness in the service of the audience. If you have something to say, something useful, something capable of making an impact in the world of your audience, stick your neck out and be bold.

  2. Empathy: Remarkable messaging creates empathy. It requires you to see through the eyes of your audience. Empathy urges you to walk in the shoes of those who might not think, act, or look like you. Understanding the emotional needs of those you hope to reach raises your chance of resonating through empathy. 

  3. Specificity: Messaging should be so clear that it doesn’t defeat the audience. The key to unlocking this level of specificity is to first clarify your audience. Then, focus generously on what they need or want from you. Once you’re clear on what’s on offer and who it’s for, spell it out in your messaging.

  4. Transformation: To deliver the greatest value inherent in your product or service, tell your audience how it will transform their lives. We don’t buy a gym membership for access to state-of-the-art fitness equipment (benefits); we buy an attractive body (transformation). We don’t book a hotel merely for the large guest rooms or great views (benefits); we buy a summer getaway that will leave us blissful and refreshed (transformation). In each case, we can visualize the transformative outcomes of our decisions, not just the benefits or features.

Prompt: Explain what to do if your messaging isn’t working

ChatGPT: When messaging isn't working, it's important to identify the problem and find ways to refine your messaging strategy. Start by revisiting your target audience and making sure you are speaking to the right people. Then, review your messaging and refine it to make sure it's clear, concise, and compelling. Consider testing your messaging with a small sample of your target audience to see if it resonates better. If your messaging isn't working on a specific marketing channel, consider other channels that may be more effective. Finally, if you're still struggling, consider seeking outside help from a marketing consultant or agency. By staying open-minded and willing to make changes, you can develop a messaging strategy that resonates with your target audience and helps you achieve your marketing goals.

Henry Adaso: Some of your messages might not resonate with your audience. When this happens, you may find yourself experiencing the seven stages of grief: shock and denial, pain and guilt, anger and bargaining, depression, the upward turn, reconstruction, and acceptance. I’d like to propose an eighth: analysis.

If your messaging falls flat, don’t panic. Instead, try to find out what went wrong. Where can you adjust? What elements could be tweaked? What are the appropriate channels for testing? Could a different word choice or sequence perform better? The point of analysis is to discover what the market is telling us and adjust for the better. We learn as much from our failures as we do from our successes.

How to Define Your Relationship with AI

So, what do you make of ChatGPT's responses to my prompts?

And what do you make of the rapid rise of generative AI?

I think we have to begin by defining our relationship with generative AI interfaces like ChatGPT and Midjourney. You might think of this in terms of the relationship between a chef and a recipe.

Creating a delicious dish requires a recipe with the right blend of ingredients. Yet, no one visits a Michelin-star restaurant seeking to be delighted by the ingredients. 

Think of ChatGPT as one of the ingredients available to you in your creative process, much like a spice or seasoning.

The recipe might call for an ingredient, but it's still up to you—the chef—to apply your touch and create something that only you can.

As you've already guessed, The Art of Messaging was written entirely by me. 

If you haven't done so, I'd be honored if you'd consider picking up a copy of The Art of Messaging